Discover the journey of William D Petropulos, william petropulos, a renowned Muay Thai martial arts expert. Learn about his bio, achievements, and success in this captivating guide.
Bill Petros got his start in Martial arts at age 8 when he studied for six years at Bob Ozman Studios in the Valley (North Hollywood / Van Nuys area) There he received his first Black Belt in Ozman Ryu Karate, in which he excelled in style and advancement.
1977 Studied Taekwondo under instructor Bob Karch for 4 years
1981 After High School Bill studied Police sciences in Hollywood Valley College in California Spending 2 years there, then enrolled in Rio Hondo College – Public Safety Division Police academy in Los Angeles County California and graduated the academy the next year.
1982 Trained at Jets Gym on Lankershim Blvd in North Hollywood California and studied under (Benny Urquidez). Bill had gone to the same High school as his sister Lilly.
1984 Started studying under the Master Frank Dux with which his older Brothers Pro Fighter (Glenn Gonzales) and Pro Fighter Bobby Inkman (Bob Anderson) They had both been training with Master Dux for some time. He studying Dux Ryu Ninjitsu over the next 3- 1/2 years and received a brown belt from Frank Dux school in North Hollywood, California, in 1988.
1988 He moved to Seattle, Washington, and continuing his prudent studying of Martial Arts at North Seattle’s KUNG FU CLUB. He is continuing training for 4 years in the Seattle area.
1992 Bill Moved back to The San Fernando Valley – In Los Angeles County In 1993-1994 attended seminars of Master Khru Vut in Los Angeles, California, and had his first taste of Muay Thai Martial Arts. Bill continued his Muay Thai training, working with Muay Thai Instructors in the Los Angeles area over the next few years until he returned to Seattle in 1996.
1996 In Seattle, Bill trained with Force Recon Marine Doyle Johnson (2 time Golden Gloves Boxer) Until his passing in 2004.
2005 Houston, Texas Bill joined the NRA and became certified instructor in advanced sidearm techniques and law Enforcement Defensive Tactics. He soon started teaching CQB to local Law Enforcement and Private Contractors assigned to the State Department with ties to local Government.
2006 He started studying Shaolin Kempo with United Studios of Self-defense in Sugar land Texas. Having 4 years Hung Gar Kuen- Kung Fu; He decided it would be a step in the right direction. He studied there until receiving his 4th Belt in Martial Arts and 2nd Black Belt. After leaving USSD, he was introduced to fighter Robert Ezell and started training under Army Sergeant Calvin Bradford at Bradford Combat Academy, where he studied for over 1080 formal hours in Muay Thai and Brazilian Jujitsu becoming 12th Khan and receiving his instructors certificate in Advanced Muay Thai techniques.
2007 He Joined the United World Muay Thai Association becoming a certified instructor. He spent the next six years teaching law enforcement and private military contractors’ defensive tactics. Muay Thai had given him the edge in teaching Law Enforcement and making him an high demand instructor in the Houston area.
2009 Studied kook sool won
2011 Bill is now on Staff for the United World Muay Thai Association and co-founder of the Black Belt Association and the first global Belt Database and Ranking database on BLACKBELTASSOCIATION.ORG. Also Studying Krav Mega; He became certified weapons instructor in Escrima, kali, and Nun chucks weapons with Bradford Combat Academy under SGT Calvin Bradford. Master Bradford is a 10th Degree in Isshin-ryū Karate; And under his teaching in 2012 Bill received his 1st Degree Black in this Art.
2015 Promoted to Senior Khru 13th khan with The United World Muay Thai Association
2016 Brown Belt Krav Mega
2018 He has been teaching, civilian, Law enforcement, and military personnel Close Quarter Battle and Defensive Tactics than 11 years. Law Enforcement / Public Safety officer Instructor Private Military and Corporate Security Instructor
2020 He continues teaching civilian, Law Enforcement, and Private Security professionals, and soon after 20-years teaching Muay Thai, he can be eligible for promotion to the Rank of Ajahn / Aajaan (Professor)
2021 At 58 years old, Bill now holds belts in more than 10 different styles and disciplines, of which 6 are Black belt or higher in Rank; And 50 years since Bill first started his journey into the Martial Arts. With over 40 years of on-hands training and an estimated 6,760 total MAT hours. That’s a impressive amount of tools in the in the defense basket.
1. Ozman Ryu Karate – 1st Degree Black 2. Kenpo Karate – 1 Degree Black 3. Dux Ryu ninjitsu – 2nd Degree Brown 4. Hung Gar Kuen- Kung Fu – 1st Degree Black 5. Isshin-ryū Karate – 2nd Degree Black 6. Shaolin Kempo – 1st Degree Black 7. Krav Maga – Brown 8. Kuk Sool Wan – Red 9. Brazilian jujitsu – Purple 10. Muay Thai – 13th Khan 11.TaeKwonDo – HWA – RANG – Red Belt